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You are about to book a table at Koinonia Newark, 19/20 St.Marks Lane Newark – No.1 Recommended Best Indian Restaurant in Newark by Trip Adviser Awards 2014, 2015, 2016,2017,&2018.

Booking is advisable every day and restaurant reservations can be made by telephone on 01636 706230 or email to or via this website. Please note that this not a live booking system. The table booked through the website must be confirmed via a return  email.
Sample menus and our wine list are available to view online at Please inform us of any special dietary requirements (mention about it while placing order with the service person) or requests for special occasions at the timeof    booking.
We kindly request that you keep to the table time requested. If you are unavoidably late, please contact us as we may only be able to hold your table for 15 minutes. Please note our return time for dinner is two and half hour and lunch are one hour from the time the table is reserved. If you need more time for your visit, please mention that while booking the table.
By continuing to book a table with us here, you are agreeing to provide us with your name, telephone number to contact you for further information if in case needed and a valid e-mail to confirm the booking. Please note that we do not share these information’s with any third parties and we may contact you in the future with our own offers and news and for TripAdvisor reviews. If you are not interested to give these details, you can call us on 01636 706230 to book a table and we will not use those details to contact you for anything else.

Please read our updated privacy policy and terms and conditions here.

Booking is advisable every day and restaurant reservations can be made by telephone on 01636706230 or email to or via this website. Please note that this not a live booking system. The table booked through the website must be confirmed via a returnemail.
Samplemenusandourwine list are available to view online at Please inform us of any special dietary requirements or requestsforspecialoccasionsatthetimeofbooking.
Koinonia will confirm your reservation by email in return. We kindly request that you keep to the table time requested. If you are unavoidably late, please contact us as we may only be in a position to hold your table for 15 minutes. Please note our return time for dinner is two hours and lunch are one hour from the time the table is reserved. If you need more time for your visit,pleasementionthatwilebookingthetable.
Guests who wish to cancel or rearrange a reservation are required to give 24 hours' notice prior to arrival. For cancellations with less than 24 hours' notice, our cancellation policy is to charge £5 per person for dinner reservations and £2 per person for lunch reservations.

We don't have any parking spaces as you are advised to use nearby parking facilities available.
Personal Information. By using our booking system, we may collect the following categories of personal information you provide to us: name; email address; phone number (including your mobile phone number); ng activity (e.g., frequency, restaurants, restaurant type, meal type, cancellations); other information you may provide about yourself or others about any special dietary requirement (again you can contact us over the phone to provide the information and it will not be  stored). 


19 -20 St Mark's Lane, Newark, Nottingham shire,

NG24 1XS

01636 706230






11:30-15:00 & 18:00-22:00

11:30-15:00 & 18:00-23:00



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